Friday, May 23, 2014

Well Done Thou Great and Faithful Servant

We welcomed home and celebrated our missionary from Sacramento, California this week.  Thank you everyone for reading her emails, your love, support, prayers, fasting, letters etc.  Hermana Thomas (Taylor) will be speaking in sacrament meeting on Sunday, May 25th at 9 a.m. Our chapel is located at 450 East 2000 North in Orem, Utah. If you are in town Memorial Day weekend, we would love to see you.  

Por lo tanto, gloriémonos; sí, nos gloriaremos en el Señor; sí, nos regocijaremos porque es completo nuestro gozo; sí, alabaremos a nuestro Dios para siempre. He aquí, ¿quién puede gloriarse demasiado en el Señor? Sí, ¿y quién podrá decir demasiado de su gran poder, y de su misericordia y de su longanimidad para con los hijos de los hombres? He aquí, os digo que no puedo expresar ni la más mínima parte de lo que siento. Alma 26:16

Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel. Alma 26:16

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Book of Mormon Changes Lives of Young and Old

This week was a roller coaster for sure, but of course, there were muchas bendiciones. I love being a missionary. Each minute is so precious.  Something funny I noticed is a similarity with Tracy and Utah. Instead of there being a church on every corner, there are parks on every corner. SOOO many fun parks, I always want to go play on them...haha.

On Sunday we were really determined to get in our 20 contacts so we worked really hard and talked with everyone we saw! Of course, we had some awkward moments (inevitable as a missionary) but we also saw some great miracles and tender mercies.We were able to turn a lot of these contacts into lessons and extend invitations.Every child of God is sooo different. We were able to really listen and testify of God's love for each of them. I found myself really searching for people to share my testimony with week. It was a great tender mercy.

We had an AMAZING lesson with Suegro. He is the cutest old man (probably in his 70's). We went over to visit the Gomez's and Hna's dad is living with them (hence we call him Suegro). I guess before I got here they gave him a Book of Mormon to start reading after a dinner appointment (so about 2 weeks ago). He is already in Alma 30! He said "hermanas, I LOVE this book. I read 3 hours every day. The church has changed my life so much. I see baptism in my future." It was the best news ever. Then he said, "Yeah, maybe in 3 months?" hahaha. Oh no, we will work on that :) but he has tons of friends and he was even in the Mothers Day Activity program on Saturday. He played the guitar and everything!  He is the best viejito ever haha. 

Rey is doing great, still progressing but wants a little more time before his baptism so it's been moved back a few weeks. He is soo funny. He loves church and lessons. We were able to teach about the Word of Wisdom and tithing this week and he says, "Oh yeah.. that makes sense. I like this word of wisdom thing. I tried weed once and it wasn't good anyway". . . .haha. So he already has a testimony of that! We are really just trying to work on his spiritual conversion. He knows everything to be baptized we are just working on him living all the commandments and having him "experiment with the word".

I want to thank specifically everyone for all of their prayers, love and fasting. It has mean;t the world to me. I really have felt so much love and feel so blessed. I have grown in ways I didn't even know were possible.  I have never felt this much joy before as I have the opportunity to help my fellow brothers and sisters come into the restored gospel. Every day I always pray for 2 things specifically. First, I thank him for the opportunity to be a missionary and serve and second, I ask him for help to be an instrument in his hand. I have been so blessed and really understand the gospel and have such a greater and deeper appreciation for my Savior. Life is good. I hope you all have a great week, Happy Mother's Day to the most beautiful madre in the world! Love you all :)

My love for the book of mormon has grown so much this week. I loved how Nefi puts it in 2 Nefi 4:16  He aquí, mi aalma se deleita en las cosas del Señor, y mi bcorazón medita continuamente en las cosas que he visto y oído.  Translation:  Behold, my asoul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my bheart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

Con Amor,
Hermana Thomas
Sister Tracy Missionaries
Hope some day she shares their names with us